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Alice Smith responds to Cormier's talk at the New York Public Library about his book Fade. She describes sharing the book with co-workers at her library and with middle school students.

Clare's pleas to Cormier to continue writing novels to save her from banal young adult literature.

Debbie Denzer shares her story of being fired for sharing a book about witchcraft with a student writing a paper on the topic. She admits her own disappointment in herself for previously dodging teaching Cormier's book for fear of falling into…

Fones writes to Cormier concerned that the suicide scene in Beyond the Chocolate War could be damaging to teenagers.

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English teacher, Dee Richardson, shares a letter and essay a student wrote for Cormier.

Gary, a 13-year-old seventh-grader, shares his feelings about Fade, Paul's powers, and his relief that he is not Catholic.

Gloria introduces her poem to Cormier and shares her aspiration to be a professional writer. Included is a poem she wrote based on I Am the Cheese.

Jan Wallace requests advice on how to talk to a Catholic parent about Fade's literary value.

Janet, a doctoral candidate, writes Cormier with a number of questions about I Am the Cheese. One question is about the reference to "The Farmer in the Dell." Janet also proposes several questions regarding potential plot holes in the Farmer family's…

Cormier shares brief feedback on Gloria's I Am the Cheese poem.

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Cluff, a minister, voices his strong objections to We All Fall Down.
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