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Cormier defends downbeat endings as an important reality but states that he is not a pessimist.

Cormier discusses the futility of censorship in protecting children from the world.

Cormier describes the outcomes and actions of defenders in censorship battles in South Carolina and Massachusetts. Attached is a newspaper clipping on a South Carolina censorship battle.

Cormier writes to supporters of his works about his upcoming sequel Beyond the Chocolate War and his admiration of the work of teachers.

Cormier writes about the limiting influence literature would have on the behavior of its readers.

Cormier writes about his allusion to The Wizard of Oz in I Am the Cheese as well as the homosexual references in the novel.

Cormier summarizes a number of censorship attacks on his books in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Florida. He also mentions how he responds to censorship attempts of his work.

Cormier describes his use of similes and metaphors and the effect fictionalization has on his real-life sources of inspiration.

Robert Cormier outlines the revisions he made to the I Am the Cheese manuscript to his editor.
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